It’s A War
Of Weeds Out There
growth is a function of available resources, pure and simple. The more resources your seedlings receive the better chance they'll have to succeed. A major
threat to seedling resources is weed competition. Tall grasses
and other weeds rob seedlings of sunlight, moisture and soil nutrients
necessary for survival and growth. Seedlings without the benefit of weed
control are often killed by competing vegetation in just their first seasons.
Those that do survive often languish for years trying to get their share of
sun, water and food.
image at right shows a typical situation where a seedling has been planted and
left to compete with neighboring vegetation. Weeds, often with established root
systems, quickly overtake seedlings to block PAR, siphon most of the soil
moisture and consume most of the soil nutrients in the vicinity of the
seedling. The future for this unprotected seedling will be bleak without weed
control and other protective measures.
Stopping Weeds
= Bigger, Healthier Seedlings
Saver Weed Mats grow your seedlings faster, bigger, and healthier because they
maximize growth resources for your young seedlings and here’s how. First, Water
Saver absorbs incoming PAR sunlight and blocks this light from reaching the
soil below. Blocking sunlight beneath the mat kills weeds underneath and also
prevents germination of any weed seeds that may be present. The result is that
your seedlings get all the sunlight they need to get growing fast and strong.
weeds is only the beginning. Water Saver, as its name implies, also stops soil moisture
lost to evaporation on bare soils and to competing weeds that can’t grow under
the weed mat. Water Saver’s impervious layers also block evaporative loss and recycle
moisture back into the soil when the sun warms the mat and top layer of soil.
By contrast porous materials like woven and perforated weed barriers can wick
moisture away from the root zone during the heat of the day. This occurs as
moisture comes to the soil surface and water molecules escape through openings
in the material. In the end, Water Saver delivers more moisture to your
seedlings and more moisture means better growth.
While Water Saver is busy locking in precious H2O it’s also preserving critical
soil nutrients that could be otherwise lost to weed roots. Again, more
resources for your seedlings, this time food, means better growth.
Water Saver
& SunFlex – Protection And Growth From The Ground Up!
weeds, slashing moisture loss and preserving nutrients is all in a day’s work
for Water Saver Weed Mats. When paired with the Plantra’s exclusive SunFlex
Tree Grow Tube System, the benefits multiply exponentially. Fully protected at
ground level, all the resources allocated to the seedling by Water Saver are
channeled into seedling growth above. This growth is protected by a
one-of-a-kind greenhouse grow tube microclimate that grows bigger, healthier
trees while protecting from critters that eat and kill young tree seedlings.
Please Note: While Water Saver Weed Mats work equally well with conifer (evergreen) or deciduous (broad leaf) tree and shrub seedlings, SunFlex Grow Tubes are designed for use with deciduous tree
seedlings only. If your goal is to protect conifer (evergreen) seedlings, please
pair Water Saver with Plantra’s Rigid Mesh Tubes.
Stop Weeds And Get Growing!
When you plan your next planting or maybe try to rescue one that's in trouble don't forget to get the weeds under control. The image below summarizes the problem and options to succeed. Put Water Saver to work in your field and get your seedlings of and running with the sun.